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Tribute Bcn

TributeBCN organizes events relating to Hip-Hop and R&B music. Mostly mid 90's and early 2000's Hip-Hop. We feature and promote local Djs. We also organize a live Hip-Hop Showcase (Diamond In DaRuff BCN) where we feature up and coming Barcelona Hip-Hop Artists. Soon we'll start organizing and coordinating break dancing events and competitions. Our goal is to "Expose Barcelona's Raw Hip-Hop Element".

TributeBCN organizes events relating to Hip-Hop and R&B music. Mostly mid 90's and early 2000's Hip-Hop. We feature and promote local Djs. We also organize a live Hip-Hop Showcase (Diamond In DaRuff BCN) where we feature up and coming Barcelona Hip-Hop Artists. Soon we'll start organizing and coordinating break dancing events and competitions. Our goal is to "Expose Barcelona's Raw Hip-Hop Element".

Neste momento não há eventos
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