Jingle & Mingle - A Christmas Treats Workshop

Barcelona. Carrer d'Ortigosa, 14, Ciutat Vella, 08003 Barcelona - Mapa ikusi
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Join us for a festive workshop where you’ll decorate pre-baked cookies and create treats at fun stations, all while enjoying unlimited wine and great company!

Date: December 7th
Time: 15:00 - 17:00
Venue: VibrART Studio Rooftop
Carrer d'Ortigosa, 14, Barcelona

Unleash your creativity at interactive stations where you’ll decorate pre-baked cookies and make no-bake holiday treats. Sip on unlimited wine, enjoy festive music, and participate in light-hearted social games to mix and mingle in a fun and cozy rooftop setting. Don’t forget to dress accordingly for the weather!

What's Included in Your Ticket:

Access to multiple treat-making and decorating stations

Unlimited wine throughout the event

Fun social games to help break the ice

Whether you’re looking to embrace the holiday cheer or simply enjoy a creative, social afternoon, this event is the perfect blend of festive fun and delicious treats. Book your ticket today and let’s jingle and mingle!

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Kasu honetan antolatzaileak ez du zehaztu adingabekoen politikarik sarreran, zalantzarik izan ezkero zuzenean antolatzailearekin harremanetan jartzea gomendatzen dizugu.



Good enough
Even though the experiences was nice, and we did have a chance to meet new people and play around with creativity, I think the price was too expensive for the experience
Anna 2024/12/7 egunean joan zen
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