Improv class - Play with your fears - Niggi Hégelé - 22nd of February

Academia FYE. C. Héroe de Sostoa, 25-2 - Mapa ikusi
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Antolatzailea Mylaga
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Professional improviser Niggi Hégelé, co-owner of the improv company Anundpfirsich (Zurich), is visiting Málaga, and you have the unique opportunity to have a workshop with him.

This class is open to people with no improv experience, and also to people with up to 2 year improv experience. So, maybe this can be your opportunity to give improv a try, or to enhance your improv skills with a new teacher.


As an improviser, facing new challenges often comes with a companion: fear. In this course, Niggi will show you ways to face your own fear instead of running away from it. We'll take a curious look at what we can learn from it and, with a bit of luck, we might even become friends with our own fears.


22nd of February (Saturday), from 11:00 to 14:00 (3 hours in total).


FYE Academy (near the María Zambrano station)


Niggi Hégelé is an accomplished improviser, actor, and theater educator with extensive experience (20+ years) in teaching and performing improvisational theater. As a co-owner of anundpfirsich gmbh, he has been instrumental in developing innovative formats and workshops, including the "Impro for Life" program, which focuses on personal development through applied improvisation. Niggi has performed on various stages and international improv festivals, sharing his passion and expertise with students and audiences alike.  


A 10% of the proceeds of the workshop go to a local charity for the homeless (more info in

Besides, we have a "social pricing system" that allows you to pay less if you are struggling financially and can't afford more, and more if you are abundant and want to contribute to the system. IMPORTANT: This system is to allow people of all walks of life to be able to join. So please act accordingly and only take the lower contribution if you truly need it.

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