Serpiente Negra presenta: Zack Keim + Marchica

Sala Planta Baja. Calle Horno de Abad 11 - Veure mapa
11/05/2025 19:00
Organitzat per Serpiente Negra
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descripció de l'esdeveniment

ZACK KEIM is an acclaimed American singer-songwriter based in Pittsburgh, PA, whose soulful melodies and deep lyrics have resonated with fans around the world. From 2022 to 2024, he toured extensively throughout the US and Europe. A former member of the Nox Boys, Keim's music caught the attention of Gregg Kostelich of The Cynics, who produced his debut solo album for Get Hip Records.

Keim's powerful live performances have led him to share the stage with renowned artists such as Peter Case (The Nerves/Plimsouls), indie icon Calvin Johnson (Beat Happening/founder of K Records), Evan Westfall (Caamp) and acclaimed singer-songwriter Matt Costa.

His standout single, “Better Days,” has received praise, with El Sótano Radio 3 naming it one of the Top 100 Songs of 2023. His new album “Battery Lane,” is out February 7, 2025, via Action Weekend and Off Label Records in Europe.

Keim will delight his fans with a Full Band featuring special guest Jordan Clark (The Frights/Swami Jon Reiss) on guitar.


Better Days” – Top 100 favorites of the year” – El Sótano De Radio 3 (Madrid, Spain).

Keim’s managing to leap into a new era while still harkening back to his garage-rock roots. - EARMILK

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