Abhorration / Sanctuarium / Condenados / Netón

La Hurraka. Carrer de Taulat 76 - Veure mapa
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descripció de l'esdeveniment


Abhorration (Norway)

Lethal Oslo-based 4-piece make their first and exclusive apparition in Spain, after releasing a second recording, their first LP, last September, through Invictus Productions.

Including members from other Norwegian mastodons like Nekromantheon, Condor and Obliteration, Abhorration is a band that can only be appreciated by diehard metal of death maniacs.

Sanctuarium (Sabadell)

Slow death and agony is the name of the game for Sanctuarium. After several local and international appearances, the band starts the 2025 season presenting their two 2024 releases, Melted and Decomposed (Me Saco Un Ojo Records) and The Sempiternal Wound (Pulverised Records).

Condenados (Barcelona)

Unholy warband Condenados take no prisioners! Their punk-infused black/thrash attack is set to decimate the undergrund once again. Only for worshippers of SPEED AND DEATH!

Netón (Barcelona)

Barbaric death metal horde Netón will open the night by way of relentless scorched earth tactics.

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